“Andrà tutto bene” means “everything will be alright” in Italian. When things are uncertain or scary, sometimes we use sayings like this to comfort one another.
Right now, our friends in Italy, China, and across the globe are trying to deal with some scary problems. Even though these problems are big, and we don’t know what the future holds, gestures of solidarity, compassion, and generosity help us remember our shared humanity. In Italy, people are reaching out to their neighbors from the confines of their home by putting “Andrà Tutto Bene” posters on the outsides of their houses.

What are some other mantras you can use to comfort yourself and others? In isolation, how can we reach out to our friends, family, neighbors, and community to show them that we care?
After coloring in this handout, make a poster of your favorite positive or thoughtful expression. Hang it outside your home, pin it to your fridge, or share it with us online at @artsphereinc!