(Projects can follow on consecutive weeks)
Card House Project: Basic house project of folded paper that students can make into a card
Vocabulary: Architecture, landscape, interior design
Materials: Glue, scissors, and pencil, markers, colored pencils or crayons
- Demonstrate project and not cutting on fold line
- Students fold paper.
- Use tracer or have students draw their own roof, door, and windows
- Have students cut the roof, door, and windows
- Students can put their family inside the house by drawing directly on paper or use separate paper to make moveable figures.
- Students can add furniture.
- Have students decorate the outside their house.
- Hand out sample. Show more complicated origami house filled with details.
- Students can make a larger version using larger paper
- Students can follow directions above. See handout example.
- Have students recall what items are in which part of the house.
- To reinforce vocabulary, say them in English and then also repeat in Spanish
- Have students create a story about the family inside the house.