Mental Health Overview

What is Mental Health?

Mental health does at least half of the work in our daily lives as the powerhouse that controls our actions and emotions. As we improve upon our physical bodies, we must tend to our minds with the same amount of care.

Our mind is the origin of our thoughts, determining our productivity throughout the day. Therefore, it is crucial that our minds are in a clear state to be able to efficiently process our ideas.

In addition, maintaining a healthy brain decreases the risk of future mental illnesses that come with age and trauma during our lives.
Remember, our mental health is important and we should care for it through mental exercises and healthy activities.
Mental health does at least half of the work in our daily lives as the powerhouse that controls our actions and emotions. As we improve upon our physical bodies, we must tend to our minds with the same amount of care.
Our mind is the origin of our thoughts, determining our productivity throughout the day. Therefore, it is crucial that our minds are in a clear state to be able to efficiently process our ideas.
In addition, maintaining a healthy brain decreases the risk of future mental illnesses that come with age and trauma during our lives.
Remember, our mental health is important and we should care for it through mental exercises and healthy activities.
Brain Science
Click the rotating image to see something cool!
The Brain
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The Brain by the Society for Neuroscience
Improve Mental Health

Healthy minds allow us to perform and feel great, helping us get through each day. Explore our free resources to learn about positive ways to maintain a healthy mind.

Danish Mallick, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Guitar music via Pxfuel (cropped)
Watercolor, Artist’s Desk, Brushes by Victoria Borodinova, via PublicDomainPictures.Net CCO 1.0

Physical Health

Physical health is as important as a healthy mind — having daily physical activity, nutrition, and sleep are all indispensable. Explore our Physical Health pages to learn about what makes up your body and how to keep it healthy.

Runners at the starting line
Athletics by e_stem, via Pixabay
Lake and forest
Photo by Kalen Emsley, via Unsplash
A rich vocabulary improves all areas of communication — listening, speaking, reading and writing. It helps us to think and learn about the world. Expanding knowledge of words provides unlimited access to new information. Our mental health vocabulary is focused on learning terms related to biochemicals and mental illnesses.
Zen Stones by no-longer-here, via Pixabay
Trauma-based Learning Strategies
Some events can have lasting effects on our brains. Explore our free resources to learn how we can help mitigate stress and past trauma.
Research Mental Illness

Practicing poor mental health can lead to serious mental illnesses. These illnesses are likely to hinder current and future relationships and decrease one’s enjoyment of life. Learn about the symptoms and treatments of these illnesses to help sympathize and spread awareness of those who may be suffering around you.

Photo by Khoa Võ, via Pexels (cropped)
Fruits by Rita E, via Pixabay (cropped)
Photo by Pexels, via Pixabay
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder by Alf-Marty, via Pixabay (cropped)
Head by Reimund Bertrams, via Pixabay (cropped)
Test Your Knowledge

Mental Health Landing

Find out how much you’ve learned through our resources by taking our short quiz! It covers mental illnesses, mental health, parts of the brain, and vocabulary!

1 / 10

Which is NOT a treatment for personality disorders?

2 / 10

Loss of heart function caused by heart disease. 

3 / 10

Attitude or mindset where you expect the worst and are not hopeful. 

4 / 10

What role does the frontal lobe play?

5 / 10

What action would be caused by borderline personality disorder?

6 / 10

Chemicals produced within a living organism. 

7 / 10

What side effects would result from damage to the occipital lobe? Choose all that apply.

8 / 10

Feeling of unease and distress that can lead to varying disorders. Often caused by fear and stress.  

9 / 10

Which lobe contains Wernicke’s area?

10 / 10

What are symptoms correlated to psychosis?

Your score is


Brain by OpenClipart-Vectors, via Pixabay

Related Handouts

Mental Health Resources
Obtaining help from others is a significant step in upkeeping a healthy mind. If you or anyone needs assistance, explore these resources to get help.
The NIH provides numerous helplines, including disaster distress and crisis.
The CDC provides many resources for mental help. This includes help for children and adults.

*This site content is provided for informational purposes only and does not intend to substitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have medical questions and/or concerns, please contact a medical professional.