Reflection of Summer Program Towey

Can art really help children feel at ease? This was my question entering Towey. Being an artist myself, I know that a benefit of art is to calm you. However; the question still lingers, can children really adapt this nature and understand the sound benefits of a having time where you just CREATE? Over the summer at Towey, this question was answered and it was YES, yes children can reach a place within themselves to feel at ease. The urban setting can be rough on anyone, but more so affecting the children. Through the teaching of art they can replace themselves to be elsewhere. We worked with paints and vast colors, so the students were able to reinvison themselves and be heard without speaking. This summer at Towey was great and it’s just the beginning. Next semester, at the students request we will be working with clay, I hope that this will allow them to embark on a future of creativity and the confidence to reach their full potential.