The Kolintang

Kolintang was recognized as National Intangible Cultural Heritage of Indonesia by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture.
According to the legend , there was a beautiful girl who lived in a village her name was Lintang. She was a beautiful singer. Lintang had an admirer , a woodcarver named Makasiga. One day, Makasiga proposed to Lintang but she said the she would only agree if he found an instrument that was more melodious tham a gold flute. Since Makasiga was a wood carver , he used skills to carve an instrument that was better than the flute.

Sakurai Midori , CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Wood like Telur wood, Wenuang wood, Cempaka wood, Waru wood, used for the Kolintang blades. The resonator is made with hardwood-like mahogany. It is used to play a melodic diatone. 

To make kolintang, the wood is dried and kept for 2 years before it is cut into pieces. Pieces of wood are cut out ranging from short to end. Holes are drilled at the support ends where the keys will be fitted to the nodes. Then, a arcuate notch must be curved out, the gentle arch on the underside of the key that provides accurate pitch. Aluminum tubular resonators are made from tubing purchased from a metal fabricator.The tubes are cut to lengths that depend more on the finished appearance of the xylophone.When the bars are complete, each one is test-fitted over its resonator and the resonator is tuned by inserting the stop.

People playing Kulintang
Photo by baraqatax, via Flickr
Kolintang BAPONTAR , CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons


The Kolintang musical instrument employs the diatonic scale as its notation system. The diatonic scale comprises seven notes, namely Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, and Si, with intervals of one and a half notes between them. This scale is further categorized into two groups: the major diatonic and minor diatonic scales. In the context of the Kolintang, its chord arrangement aligns with the chord system utilized in piano and guitar playing.

How do I play the instrument?

The player has to hold special sticks. Usually consists of 3 sticks that are assigned to certain numbers. Stick number one is usually used in the left hand, while numbers two and three are held in the right hand. The player will hit the key corresponding to the stick.

Is there special equipment needed for the instrument?

No special equipment is needed to play the Kolintang

How long does it take to learn?

The time it takes to learn the Kolintang depends on several factors and it depends on many reasons.

You may be able to learn the Kolintang more quickly, possibly within a few weeks to a few months, depending on your musical background and experience. 

Are there any instruments similar to this one?

No. There are no instrument similar to the Kolintang.

Photo by Mr.TinMD, via Flickr

Rock with a Star!

Let’s enjoy the sound of this instrument through this wonderful performance by Kolintang performance in Gedung kesenian Jakarta, Indonesia.

The National Kolintang Association of Indonesia, known as “Persatuan Insan Kolintang Nasional (PINKAN) Indonesia,” is a prominent organization dedicated to enhancing the quality of Kolintang Musical Ensemble performances. This mission aligns with the growing recognition and appreciation of Kolintang art among the public.