How Vitamin relates to fitness

How Vitamin relates to fitness:

Vitamins provide nutrients so you could be more effective while working out, and some act as antioxidants that help clean up cellular damage and free radicals after exercise. A few vitamins that are very essential and helpful for exercise are vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin C.

Vitamin D is linked with calcium metabolism inside the muscles, which allows the better muscle contraction during the exercise. Also, it helps reduce inflammation, increasing muscle protein, ATP concentration, and physical performance.

Vitamin E is one of the most important antioxidants. It helps protect the muscle tissue in aerobic exercise. Vitamin E will also help to repair when the cell is undergoing more oxidative damage from the free radicals that could cause cell damage and aging.

Vitamin C is important for connective tissue repair and also acts as an antioxidant. It also helps reverse some of the oxidative damage caused by free radicals. And prevent the dip in the immune system right after the exercise. 

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