Compassion Through Art

The Dhammadpada says, “Never by hatred is hatred appeased, but it is appeased by kindness… One should conquer anger through goodness, selfishness, through charity and falsehood through truthfulness.” This does not imply that one must lie down and accept oppression.  It merely points out that violence is not a viable answer, even …

Art That Pushes the Envelope

Art Sphere Inc.’s “Envelope Project” is a creative assignment for all ages and has been especially helpful for those facing physical, mental, and emotional challenges, including poverty, incarceration, and violence. This workshop curriculum helps individuals and groups to explore their lives through self-reflection and to empower themselves through making art. When we …

Origami Art That Travels

Origami, or paper folding, is a traditional Japanese art form that travels easily. Origami has been used in medicine for operations (DNA origami delivers cancer drugs to tumors,) stomach origami is the latest in weight loss surgery, and even architecture is becoming origami inspired!  Origami’s portability make it a perfect art form for Art Sphere Inc.’s …

Book List: Portraiture

American Portrait Drawings, by Maruin Sadix and Harold Francis, Smithsonian Institute Press Washington, 1980.  Drawing Portraits, by Douglas R. Graves, Watson Guptill Publications, NY, 1974. A Guide to Drawing, by Daniel M. Mendelowitz, Reinhart & Winston, NY 1976 Drawing People for Fun, by Roger Vernam Drawing People, Colin Caket Portraits, …