
Liechtenstein is the only country in the world with 100% of its territory in the Alpine region.

Liechtenstein’s per capita GDP is $165,028 which is the second-highest in the world.

Liechtenstein is in Western Europe, with a population of 38.4 thousand people. Its capital is Vaduz, and their currency is Swiss Franc. The official language is German. 

They celebrate many holidays including:

It has no world heritage site and national park. 

Want to learn more? Check out Liechtenstein’s website

Also check out the Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein and the Liechtenstein National Museum.

Fun activities to do

To download the flag and map:

  1. Click on the image
  2. Right-click and select Save Image As…

Also try making a postcard and it’s stamp! Try filling in your suitcase for the trip!