How to Prepare for a Zoom Interview

In the midst of the seemingly new normal across the world, many businesses, in order to keep individuals’ safety a priority, have begun a trend of conducting Zoom interviews rather than the traditional interview. Here are some tips to help you feel confident in preparing your Zoom interview. Read these tips and watch the video.

When preparing for a Zoom interview, it’s important to prepare just as you plan to go in person, just with a few more steps. Just as with an in-person interview you would usually dress to impress in a nice business casual outfit, you would want to do the same for a Zoom interview. Even though the interviewer most likely won’t be shaking your hand and seeing your full outfit, first impressions are still important to get right.

Image by Lynn Kurtz, via Pixabay (transparency removed)
WiFi Signal Graphic
Wifi Symbol by Circe Denyer, via PublicDomainPictures.Net CC0 1.0 (transparency removed)

In preparing for the best first impression, it is important to check your connection before the interview. Run a diagnostic on your phone, laptop, or tablet and be sure the WIFI is running smoothly, so the video and audio will be clear. While doing this, it is important to make sure your audio is turned to an appropriate volume and check to make sure nothing is blocking the camera from giving a clear image of yourself, the interviewee.

After the WIFI is running and the camera is crystal clear, the next step is to check lighting. Is the area you’re in well-lit or maybe is it on the dim side? If you find yourself in a not so well-lit room, grabbing a lamp or a flashlight to set behind the device you will be presenting yourself on will help enhance the quality of the picture interviewers see. Okay, now that you are dressed to impress, have a strong WIFI connection, and a clear image of yourself to present on video, what’s next?

Woman smiling at zoom call
Photo by Monstera, via Pexels
Person being interviewed
Photo by MART PRODUCTION, via Pexels

This is the part that does not change no matter what interview type you do: the oral responses. In this step of the interview process, it is important to remain calm, carefully listen to the question being asked, and shine that amazing smile. It is also okay during this time if asked a difficult question to request a moment to think. Sometimes if you feel yourself hitting a mental roadblock, those 30 seconds you have to take to think can really help clear your mind, so you can give a well-thought-out response to the question being asked.

Check out some questions they can make to you to get prepared for your interview.

After the hard part is over and it’s time to say goodbye for the meantime, it’s key to leave your interviewer with an outstanding impression of yourself. Many individuals do this by asking questions specific to the company or even sharing a laugh with their interviewer. While it’s always safe to ask a question, remember, the individual interviewing you is a human as well and often enjoys if they can share a common interest or a laugh with the individual they’re interviewing. This helps them remember that moment of joy they shared with someone who could potentially join their company.

Tips and Tricks Graphic
Tips and tricks by Arvin61r58, via Openclipart CC0 1.0

To recap, what will you wear to your interview? Will you make sure your WIFI has a strong connection and your camera has a clear picture? Will you take the time to adequately respond to the questions being answered and put your best smile forward through the whole interview? If so, these steps will help you perform well on your Zoom interview. 

You can send your interviewer a Thank You email after the interview and make a good impression. You should send it within the first 24 hours after your interview.

Thank you graphic
haburnu with colors changed by Amousey, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons (transparency removed)

Watch the video below to recap the tips and get ready for your interview.