How to Become an Entrepreneur

How to become an entrepreneur

While there is no one “right” way to become an entrepreneur, the general career trajectory usually looks something like this:

  • Develop an idea for a unique or in-demand business.
  • Learn about and gain experience in a range of business roles, including finance and accounting, management, and marketing.
  • Make a business plan and establish a source (or sources) of funding.
  • Recruit talented workers and managers with the skills needed to develop, test, implement, support, and maintain the company’s products.
  • Devise strategies for launching the product or service and for attracting and retaining customers.
  • Once the company is established, seek ways to grow revenue by expanding into new areas and product lines.
  • As the company matures, the founder’s role is likely to include both long-term strategic planning and short-term tactical management and financial decisions.
  • Pursuing a Master of Business Administration (MBA) or similar management-focused degree provides entrepreneurs with the skills they’ll need to succeed at every step of the process as they realize their business goals.

What Are the 4 Types of Entrepreneurship?

Anyone interested in starting and running their own business should consider which entrepreneurial model they prefer: small business, scalable startup, large company, or social entrepreneurship.