Exhibiting Confidence Through Art

The second day at Southwark was really exciting because some of the children were beginning to recognize our faces and names! We began the day off with pre-k making caterpillars. We talked about insects as well as metamorphosis. The children were really excited about decorating their caterpillars which were prepped and made out of egg cartons and googley eyes. The children played and made leafs so that their “caterpillars” could have food.

The children seemed really excited to not only make art but to also learn. The rest of the classes, which ranged from 3rd graders all the way to 8th graders also made the caterpillars as well as flowers for them. At the end of class we lined up all the caterpillars for each class to decorate the room.

It was an important factor during the program that the children were able to see their artwork on display and to have a stimulating visual environment. In addition, it made the children feel proud and accomplished when they could hang up their finished artwork.