Have you made someone laugh with a good joke or smile by smiling at them today?
A smile is worth a thousand words! Laughing helps bond students to one another, relieve stress and help create a warm and playful environment in the classroom. A little silliness can go a long way to help students be risk takers and take on harder tasks with resilience.
Here are resources to check out to help celebrate this holiday!

How fitting that January 24th is also National Compliment Day!
Our art students appreciate the connection with other teachers and students. Checking in with students, asking for their feedback and sharing authentic compliments and interest in their ideas, wealth of creativity, hard work and excitement to learn motivates. There is no shortage of greatness in our classrooms. As teachers its important not to let anyone feel left out or disrespected and by modeling positive relationships, we make a point to remind students to cheer one another to success.
Here are two great videos to watch by a teaching hero, Rita Pierson.
Every kid needs a champion
Teaching Tips (Win-Win Conversations)
By making Valentines and share their love and appreciation of others.
We also make a point to tell parents in front of their children about their child’s determination to complete an assignment, etc. It important for youth to feel recognized for their efforts and for us as teachers to be witnesses of their achievement. By complimenting our staff in front of youth, we can boost one-anothers’moral and model caring.
There have been studies that show that it is important to give compliments and praise to children for how hard they are trying, not just how good they are at something.