Let it Snow! Part 2

This week we did snowflake projects! There has been a lot of snow storms happening in the past month, so I decided to do a snow related project. The kids were very excited to do the first project with Q-tips. I thought it would take up the whole class. So I broke up the Q-tips in advance. The kids worked through the project quickly, so we put it aside to let it dry.

minnow program spring 2015 09

Minnow program spring 15 08

We then added paper snowflakes as the second project, since we had some class time left. This was the first time we practiced working with scissors together. The students worked really hard and had their listening ears on for cutting instructions.

minnow program spring 15 04

At the end I had the students put the snowflakes up to their face so they could look through them. We then gathered in a circled and made it snow with our cut out snowflakes! The kids thought it was really neat that they could make their own snowstorm.