International Sudoku Day

International Sudoku Day is celebrated on September 9th every year!

Fun fact: Some say that Sudoku Day is on 9/9 because the board is a 9 x 9 grid.

Fun fact: The World Puzzle Federation declared September 9th as International Sudoku Day in 2013. 

Every game is a 9×9 grid subdivided into 3×3 boxes.

  • Every square has to contain a single number
  • Only the numbers from 1 through to 9 can be used
  • Each 3×3 box can only contain each number from 1 to 9 once
  • Each vertical column can only contain each number from 1 to 9 once
  • Each horizontal row can only contain each number from 1 to 9 once

In other words, no number can be repeated in any 3×3 box, row, or column. You can only use numbers 1-9.

Enjoy this day by challenging a friend or family member to solve these puzzles to see who can do it faster. Share your time with everyone and brag about being a sudoku champion!