Feeling Thankful and Flying Kites

Jalene, Jamie, and Xin working on their kites
Nathan tied his kite to his backpack so it would fly as he walks the next time

After a week off, we were back at Southwark with 2 classes in a row. Like last time, we started with the middle school group. The first time we met them, they were antsy but this time the group was engaged, receptive, and ready to make art. We talked about the cold weather, and how it feels like winter even though it’s still fall. We talked about being thankful, and what in our lives we’re most thankful for. After a good group conversation, the students each received a paper kite to decorate. As the worked, Kristin, J, and I went around the room and talked to each student about what makes them unique and happy, and where they or their parents originated from. Most were from Philadelphia but had parents come to America from other countries.

After 45 minutes with them, we headed downstairs for the second session with the 2nd-grade class. They were excited to see us again. This was our third class with them and it’s getting easier to remember names. They were attentive as Kristin read a book about the seasons and led them through identifying rhymes. We got them started on the same kite project, with a little more imagination and wackiness than the older group brought. The afternoon flew by, and suddenly it was time to go. As I sat in my car, getting ready to drive home, I saw multiple students walking by with their parents, flying kites.

Two best friends decorating their kites together