Learning Colors Lesson Plan – Creating a Flower Chart

Color Wheel Flower
Image from ASI Lesson Book-4, (Expanding the Creative Mind through Mixed Media Book-4), by Greta Heeb

Your destination: (objectives)

  • Create a chart with a color wheel in the shape of a flower that includes labeled primary and secondary colors and also ROYGBIV.

Travel kit: (materials)

  • Something to color with,
    paper, pen/marker

On the path

Step 1

  • First, draw the center of
    the flower with black, a neutral color.

Step 2

  • Next, draw the primary
    colors (yellow, blue, red)  in the shape
    of the petals. Label them with a “P”.

Step 3

  • Draw the secondary colors
    (orange, green, purple)  in the shape of
    petals. Label them with a “S”.

Step 4

  • Last, create a stem with
    the colors of ROYGBIV. Label them with the appropriate color.

Group tour (how larger class can be involved
as group projects)

  • Look at artist that tend to
    use lot of primary colors in their work such as Piet Mondrian.

Extend your journey

  • Start mixing colors by
    navigating through your chart.

Learn new vocabulary

  • Primary colors, secondary
    colors, ROYGBIV.

Discover … : (website links)
