Circle Loom Woven Friendship Bracelet – Finishing

Bigs – Cione Rec Center

We continued to work on and finish up our friendship bracelets. One girl was struggling with hers, she kept comparing herself to her friends’ lengths of bracelets. It took me awhile, but I finally realized she was alternating her circle loom’s rotation! Once I figured this, everything made so much more sense. It’s almost like folding a blanket and then UNfolding it.. back and forth.. over and over again. I finally understood why she wasn’t getting anywhere. Once we realized this, we drew arrows onto her circle loom so she would know which direction to count. She was finally successful!

This was great to learn for me as a teacher so I could help troubleshoot this problem from the get-go with other children later.

Here are a few finished and almost-finished bracelets!