“When people keep telling you that you can’t do a thing, you kind of like to try it.” ― Margaret Chase Smith

Yes, I guess there is also a bit of the rebel in me and the “Question Authority” bumper sticker sure makes sense if you want innovation. We have been told that it is pointless to paint a mural on “that” wall or in “this” neighborhood because it will be graffitied. …

The Best Way to Take a Test (When you are not sure of the Answer) and the Values of Cynicism in Community Art

I was taught that if I wasn’t sure of the answer that the best way to take a test was to rule out what I knew to be false. Sometimes simply posing the question differently makes all the difference, especially when I have been asked cynical questions by community members …

Studies Prove Impact of Art on Education

Since it’s founding in 1998, Art Sphere Incorporated has worked diligently to empower under-served youth and communities through arts education. Filling a void left by declining arts funding in school districts and city budgets, Art Sphere provides not only art materials and activities, but also comprehensive educational and community building …